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发布日期:2025-01-04 10:15    点击次数:71

【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』闵行莘庄商务区12号线七莘路站旁「 中企云启春申 」中企TOP"云”系新作在售约96-127㎡3-4房毛坯/精装房源备案均价7.91万/㎡重磅消息!莘庄中企云启春申【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!,推出296套建面约96-127㎡房源,总价约641万起。这是莘庄目前的独苗纯新盘,也是莘庄近4年来未曾有过的改善型精致社区。错过了TA,可能近几年都不会再有上车莘庄的机会。更重要的是,项目主力建面约96㎡的3房户【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!型的总价段跨度很大,给了各个价位段购房者一次上车的机会。什么概念呢?第一,在全市所有约700万级的市场中,莘庄的价值遥遥领先。项目的地段站位是于莘庄一直扮演着上海主城副中心、闵行行政中心、【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!商务中心的角色,其能级比肩花木、五角场。相比区域级规划的梅陇等区域,政府向莘庄倾斜的资源会更加的磅礴。第二,断供整整4年的莘庄改善型精致社区。其实不只是莘庄,上海所有寸土寸金的城心地段,如今都没有大面积的土地供应了。这一点从这两年城心住宅土地供应中就能看出来:【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!示意图而按照我们的经验,占地约1万㎡左右的宅地,大概只能造2-4栋住宅。这意味着,未来城心很多都是一些只有几栋楼的迷你社区【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!,改善住宅应该标配的“多进制”仪式感、中央绿地,都会成为难以想象的奢侈品。而莘庄,等了四年也只有中企云启春申这一个大尺度改善型地块。这个项目能给购房者更加完整的社区园林、归家仪式感以及出【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!则繁华入则静谧的居住舒适度。更低的价格、更高的居住舒适度,如何选择?您应该比我更清楚。第三,约80-82%的超高得房率。上海如今的新房得房率普遍都在75%左右,甚至有些会更低。但中企云启春申的得房率却十分惊人:建面约96㎡3房的得房率约80%、建面约127㎡的得房率约82%;【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!我们换算一下:示意图同样面积的户型中企云启春申比其他新房多出了约4.8-8.75㎡的实际使用面积。换算到约7.91万/㎡的均价,那可是大几十万的真金白银。换句话说,中企云启春申有着更低的入手门槛、更高的地段价值、更舒适的社区天赋以及更高得房率的户型设计。这样的性价比,还不足以让你心动吗?所以,项目样板间开放后,来参观的人数一直居高不下,【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!11批次爆款已定!来看现场实景:【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!四年来莘庄首个精致社区,强产业加持,优渥配套环绕,首批将推出296套房源,建面约96-127㎡3-4房,得房率高达约82%以上,总价仅约641w起!——「中企云启春申」认购,一房一价表!效果图一房一价表:【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!地块实景:地块周边商务楼、产业园众多,又有12号线直达漕河泾,客群的购买力非常强。另外,同期土拍的保利建工莘庄项目(13A-10A和13A-13A地块)早前也已经公示方案,地块距离地铁站步行可达,【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!但地块较小,没有什么小区规模,所以未来中企莘庄项目的热度可能将会更高。项目设计方案:莘庄CBD 强产业支撑莘庄作为上海西南的门户【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!,不仅是外环城市发展的标杆,也是上海九大城市副中心之一!上海公共活动中心示意图,图源《上海2035总体规划》莘庄CBD,不仅是莘庄主城副中心商贸服务功能的重要载体,也是“大虹桥”南部的现代服务商务区。莘庄CBD是一个集地理、交通、人才、景观等优势,运用市场化运作方式而设立的现代服务业集聚区,规划总用地面积约123.7公顷【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!,建筑面积约186万平方米。莘庄商务区实景图莘庄CBD也是闵行区内较早提出生态商务区概念的商务区之一,依托水绿廊道串联绿色空间、环廊森林、主要水体以及各级公共活动中心。莘庄CBD在寸土寸金的板块核心,【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!“牺牲”了约6万㎡土地,打造了一个春申湖,并以此为基础营造蓝绿交融的优美环境,为周边高端办公与居住提供良好的环境条件春申湖实景图在发展定位上,莘庄商务区将集成电路产业和总部经济作为未来发展重心,打造集成电路、人工智能等战略性新兴产业发展的【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!主要承载区。据悉,莘庄CBD注册企业有3000多家,在地办公近1000多家,以龙旗、艾为、季丰、零束、哥瑞利等为行业代表的近百家集成【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!电路企业已入驻,每天有4万多年轻人在商务区上班。(信息来源上观新闻)除此之外,已入驻的企业还不乏有国中铁、中建信、艾为电子、哈罗单车等知名单位。示意图总部经济、新经济、金融等高端服务业在区域内高度集聚【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!,商务与商业高度融合,形成了一种高度融合的新业态。莘庄商务区实景图作为“心脏”地带,莘庄还同时拥有漕河泾、七宝、莘庄工业区、航天城、闵开发、紫竹等产业园区围绕左【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!右。承接这些产业区高薪人才也同样带动着莘庄CBD的经济发展。由此带来的餐饮、购物、娱乐、交通等各方面的配套持续优化、升级,令区域生活更加便捷,生活氛围也更加浓郁,未来必将成为莘庄主城副中心的核心增长极。而坐拥莘庄CBD的「中企云启春申」,其未来价值必然不可估量!Part. 2优渥配套 尽享悠哉生活随着多年的发展和不断地城市更迭,【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!」周边已然拥有着无比丰富的生活配套资源!示意图地铁方面,「中企云启春申」直线距离地铁12号线+嘉闵线(在建)双轨交枢纽七莘路站仅约900米。通过地铁12号线,可直达漕河泾、徐汇滨江【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!、苏河湾、北外滩、杨浦滨江、森兰、金桥等地。嘉闵线建成后,将实现与机场联络线的互联互通,显著提升嘉定新城、虹桥国际中央商务区、闵行主城片区等地区的可达性与辐射范围。示意图自驾方面,有“亚洲第一立交桥”、沪闵高架、嘉闵高架等多条快速路,可便捷通达市区各重要节点。实景图商业方面【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!直线距离12号线七莘路站地铁上盖综合体维璟印象城仅约600米。实景图莘庄定位为上海市级商业中心,这里坐拥五大商业,除了维璟印象城之外,还有TODTOWN天荟、仲盛世界商城、平金中心、凯德龙之梦等大型购物中心。【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!实景图另外,项目附近还有七宝万科广场、宝龙城、中庚漫游城、百联南方购物中心等等高端商业环伺。实景图闵行的教育是毋庸置疑的强项。项目周边15分钟生活圈内(直径约1.5公里)包含众多优质学校,包括:莘庄第三幼儿园、哈比桥治幼儿园、莘松小学、七宝外国语小学、文来学校、上宝中学(初中部)、【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!莘松中学(水清路校区)等等。(新房不承诺学区,具体以教育部门公示为准)示意图医疗方面,项目距离闵行中心医院仅约2.5公里。周边5公里范围内还有儿科三甲类医院复旦大学儿科医院和脑科专科三甲医院蓝十字脑科医院。实景图作为上海的主城城市副中心,这里所拥有的生活配套资源丰富度和能级,丝毫不逊色于市区!Part. 3内外景观 高品质人居在寸土寸金的上海,核心地段的土地资源十分珍贵,尤其是像莘庄CBD这样的城市副中心。要知道整个莘庄近10年以来,宅地供应量仅有3块,【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!这在整个上海其他板块中是非常罕见的。这也意味着「中企云启春申」本就是一个稀缺性产品!而更为难得的是,断供近4年之久的莘庄,将得天独厚的自然资源给到了「中企云启春申」,坐拥春申湖+淀浦河双水系景观,这【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!是多少项目梦寐以求的环境。示意图与之交相呼应的是小区的内部景观,同样出类拔萃!项目特邀全球顶尖设计团队贝尔高林,为项目量身打造舒适宜人的景观设计。大乔木种植远离南侧窗户,结合草坪保证底层房源有【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!良好视野和采光,同时通过地形设计与植物的有机结合保护业主私密性。内部景观规划兼顾了日常观景及健康生活的需求【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!,由中央绿化景观带作为室外会客厅,通过两轴连接,配上四进的入户景观礼序,打造出集艺术,趣味,生态为一体的品质生活场景。效果图建筑整体为了迎合当代年轻人的审美,外立面采用现代简约建筑风格,点缀金色的框线,极简优雅但又不失格调。效果图建面约96-127㎡灵动新作百变空间内自定义生活的美产品方面,项目分为毛坯和精装两种产品,据悉为了匹配莘庄商务区住宅的稀缺,精装户型值得关注,目前有部分装标已经流出:【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!智能门锁:耶鲁或同等品牌;台盆/洁具:杜拉维特或同等品牌;龙头:高仪或同等品牌;橱柜品牌:威乃达或同等品牌。而据网友爆料,项目毛坯产品的价格或许会非常惊喜,一个低总价入住莘庄高品质新房的机会,或许即将到来。户型方面,项目本次将推出建面约96-127㎡房源:,时长01:33建面约96㎡3房2卫户型,三开间朝南,全卧室带飘窗。整个户型的采光、视野非常出众。主卧套房设计,保证了主人的私密空间。另外,项目充分从居住者的角度考量生活动线、舒适度与生活感。S型的分户墙,褪去呆板,为家具预留更多的空【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!间;经典的餐厨客厅一体的大客厅,是典型的“非传统去客厅化”设计,它既能会客,但更多是作为“家庭厅”使用,可作为亲子游戏、娱乐健身等空间。在上海,4房基本都在建面约135㎡以上,而中企云启春申的4房把建筑面积控制在约127㎡,以更低的总价住进四房,非常适合追求一步到位的购房者。另外,四开间朝南结合大尺度宽厅,这个南向【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!采光面堪比别墅,再加上南北通透的设计,室内的采光、通风以及实用性几乎是拉满了。同时,4房6飘窗1大阳台,整个空间的实际利用率相当出众。一梯两户的入户,搭配轩朗的玄关,保证了主人的私密空间。总的来说,作为主城城市副中心,有无数人希望住进莘庄的新房,享受更好的资源、更完善的配套,但这一等就是4年。作为莘庄接下来仅有的纯新盘,中企云启【 Minhang enterprises YunQichun Shen 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" Minhang Xinzhuang Business DistrictLine 12 next to Qixin Road station"Chinese enterprises Yunqichun Shen"TOP" cloud "of Chinese enterprises is a new workOn sale about 96-127 square meters of 3-4 rooms rough/hardcover housingRecord average price of 79,100 /㎡Big news! Xinzhuang enterprises Yunqichun Shen [Minhang enterprises Yunqichun Shen] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! Launched 296 sets of construction area of about 96-127 square meters of housing, the total price of about 6.41 million.This is the only pure new plate of Xinzhuang at present, and it is also an improved refined community that Xinzhuang has not had in the past four years. Missed TA, may not have the opportunity to get on Xinzhuang in recent years.More importantly, the main construction area of the project is about 96 square meters of 3-room households [Minhang Chinese enterprises Yunqichun Shen] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! The total price segment of the type has a large span, giving buyers of all price segments an opportunity to get on the car.What is the concept?First, in the city's all about 7 million level of the market, the value of Xinzhuang is far ahead.The lot station of the project is that Yu Xinzhuang has been playing the deputy center of the main city of Shanghai, Minhang administrative center, [Minhang enterprises YunQichun] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! The role of business center, its level is comparable to flowers and trees, pentagonal field.Compared with Meilong and other regions planned at the regional level, the government's resources to Xinzhuang will be more powerful.Second, Xinzhuang improved refined community for 4 years.In fact, not only Xinzhuang, Shanghai all the land in the heart of the city, now there is no large area of land supply.This can be seen from the supply of residential land in the heart of the city in the past two years: 【 Minhang enterprises YunQichun 】 Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life!Schematic drawingAccording to our experience, an area of about 10,000 square meters of residential land, probably can only build 2-4 houses.This means that many of the future city center are mini communities with only a few buildings [Minhang Chinese enterprises Yunqichun Shen] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new options for high-end life! The "multi-progressive" ritual sense and central green space that should be standard in improving housing will become unimaginable luxury goods.And Xinzhuang, waiting for four years, there is only Yunqi Chunshen, a large-scale improvement of the land.This project can give buyers a more complete community garden, home ceremony sense and out of the [Min bank Yunqichun] official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! The bustling into the quiet living comfort. Lower price, higher living comfort, how to choose? You should know better than I do.Third, about 80-82% of the super high housing rate.The rate of new housing in Shanghai today is generally around 75%, and some are even lower.However, the housing rate of Chinese enterprises Yunqi Chun Shen is very amazing: the housing rate of about 96㎡3 rooms is about 80%, and the housing rate of about 127㎡ is about 82%; 【 Minhang enterprises YunQichun Shen 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life!Let's convert:Schematic drawingThe same area of the unit is about 4.8-8.75 square meters more than other new homes. Converted to the average price of about 79,100 /㎡, it is a large hundreds of thousands of real gold and silver.In other words, Chinese enterprises Yunqichun Shen has a lower entry barrier, higher location value, more comfortable community talent and a higher rate of housing design.Is this price/performance ratio not enough to make you move?Therefore, after the opening of the project model room, the number of visitors has been high, [Minhang Yunqichun] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) high-end life new choice! Batch 11 is ready! Take a look at the scene:【 Minhang enterprises YunQichun Shen 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! In the past four years, Xinzhuang's first exquisite community, strong industry support, excellent supporting around, the first batch of 296 sets of housing will be launched, the construction area of about 96-127㎡3-4 rooms, the room rate is as high as about 82%, the total price is only about 641w!-- "Zhongqi Yunqi Chun Shen" subscription, one room one price table!Effect drawingOne room one price table: 【 Minhang Chinese enterprises YunQichun Shen 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life!Real scene of the plot:There are many business buildings and industrial parks around the plot, and there is Line 12 directly to Caohejing, and the purchasing power of customers is very strong.In addition, the Poly Construction project of Xinzhuang (13A-10A and 13A-13A plot), which was sold during the same period, has also been announced earlier, the plot is within walking distance of the subway station, [Min Hang Yunqichun] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! However, the plot is small and there is no community scale, so the heat of the Xinzhuang project of Chinese enterprises may be higher in the future.Project design scheme:Xinzhuang CBD strong industrial supportXinzhuang as the gateway to the southwest of Shanghai 【 Minhang enterprises YunQichun Shen 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! It is not only the benchmark for the development of outer ring cities, but also one of the nine major urban sub-centers in Shanghai!Shanghai Public Activity Center (Shanghai Master Plan 2035)Xinzhuang CBD is not only an important carrier of the business service function of the sub-center of the main city of Xinzhuang, but also a modern service business district in the south of "Great Hongqiao".Xinzhuang CBD is a collection of geography, transportation, talent, landscape and other advantages, the use of market-oriented operation and set up a modern service industry cluster area, planning a total land area of about 123.7 hectares [Minhang Yunqicunshen] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) high-end life new choice! The construction area is about 1.86 million square meters.Xinzhuang business district real pictureXinzhuang CBD is also one of the first business districts in Minhang District to put forward the concept of ecological business district, relying on the water green corridor connecting green space, forest, main water bodies and public activity centers at all levels.Xinzhuang CBD in the core of the land gold plate, [Min Hang Yunqichun] official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! "Sacrifice" about 60,000 square meters of land to create a Chunshen Lake, and on this basis to create a beautiful environment blending blue and green, for the surrounding high-end office and residential to provide good environmental conditionsReal picture of Chunshen LakeIn terms of development positioning, Xinzhuang Business District will be integrated circuit industry and headquarters economy as the focus of future development, to create integrated circuit, artificial intelligence and other strategic emerging industry development [Minhang Yunqichun] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) high-end life new choice! The main carrying area.It is reported that there are more than 3,000 registered enterprises in Xinzhuang CBD, nearly 1,000 offices in the ground, nearly 100 integrated [Minhang enterprises YunQichun Shen] official sales office phone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! Circuit companies have settled in, and more than 40,000 young people work in the business district every day. (Information source on the view of news) In addition, there are also many companies that have settled in China Railway, China Construction Credit, Ai for Electronics, Haro Bicycle and other well-known units.Schematic drawingHeadquarters economy, new economy, finance and other high-end service industries are highly concentrated in the region [Minhang Chinese enterprises YunQichun Shen] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! Business and commerce are highly integrated, forming a highly integrated new business format.Xinzhuang business district real pictureAs the "heart" zone, Xinzhuang also has Caohejing, Qibao, Xinzhuang Industrial Zone, space City, Min development, Zizhu and other industrial parks around the left [Minhang Chinese enterprises YunQichun Shen] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! Right. Undertaking these highly paid talents in industrial areas also drives the economic development of Xinzhuang CBD.The resulting catering, shopping, entertainment, transportation and other aspects of supporting continuous optimization and upgrading, so that regional life is more convenient, the living atmosphere is more intense, the future will become the core growth pole of the main city of Xinzhuang sub-center.And with Xinzhuang CBD "Chinese enterprises Yunqichun Shen", its future value is inestimable!Part. 2Enjoy the leisurely life with the perfect packageWith years of development and continuous changes in the city, [Minhang enterprises Yunqichun] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new options for high-end life!" Surrounding already has a very rich life supporting resources!Schematic drawingIn terms of subway, "Zhongqi Yunqichun Shen" is only about 900 meters away from Qixin Road station, the double-track interchange hub of Metro Line 12 + Jiamin Line (under construction).Through Metro Line 12, you can direct Caohejing, Xuhui Binjiang 【 Minhang enterprises YunQichun Shen 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! Su River Bay, North Bund, Yangpu Binjiang, Senlan, Jinqiao and other places.After the completion of Jiamin Line, it will realize the interconnection with the airport liaison line, and significantly improve the accessibility and radiation range of Jiading New City, Hongqiao International Central Business District, Minhang Main City area and other areas.Schematic drawingIn terms of self-driving, there are many expressways such as "the first overpass in Asia", Humin Viaduct, Jiamin Viaduct, etc., which can easily access important nodes in the urban area.Reality pictureBusiness [Min Hang Cloud Qichun] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! It is only about 600 meters away from Weijing Impression City, a subway complex on Qixin Road Station of Line 12.Reality pictureXinzhuang is positioned as the commercial center of Shanghai City, where there are five major businesses, in addition to Weijing Impression City, there are TODTOWN Mall, Zhongsheng World Mall, Pingjin Center, Caldron Dream and other large shopping centers. 【 Minhang enterprises YunQichun Shen 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life!Reality pictureIn addition, the project is near Qibao Vanke Square, Baolong City, Zhonggeng Roaming City, Bailian South Shopping Center and other high-end commercial loop.Reality pictureMinhang's education is an undoubting strength. Within the 15-minute life circle around the project (about 1.5 km in diameter), there are many quality schools, including: Xinzhuang Third Kindergarten, Habi Bridge Kindergarten, Xinsong Primary School, Qibao Foreign Language Primary School, Wenai School, Shangbao Middle School (Middle School), 【 Minhang Chinese enterprises Yunqichun Shen 】 Official Sales Office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) New choice of high-end life! Xinsong Middle School (Shuiqing Road campus) and so on.(The new house does not promise the school district, the specific subject to the education department's publicity)Schematic drawingIn terms of medical care, the project is only about 2.5 km away from Minhang Central Hospital. Within 5 km of the surrounding area, there are also pediatric pediatric Hospital of Fudan University and Pediatric Hospital of brain department and Blue Cross Brain Hospital.Reality pictureAs the sub-center of the main city of Shanghai, the richness and level of living resources here are not inferior to the urban area!Part. 3Interior and exterior landscape high quality livingIn Shanghai, the land resources in the core areas are very precious, especially in the urban sub-center such as Xinzhuang CBD.To know that the entire Xinzhuang nearly 10 years, the supply of housing land is only 3, 【 Minhang Yunqichun Shen 】 official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) high-end life new choice! This is very rare in the rest of Shanghai.This also means that "Zhongqi Cloud Qichun Shen" is a scarce product!What is even more rare is that Xinzhuang, which has been off supply for nearly 4 years, will be blessed with natural resources to the "Chinese enterprises Cloud Qichun Shen", with the double water system landscape of Spring Lake + Dianpu River, the official sales office of [Minhang Chinese enterprises Cloud Qichun Shen] Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! Is how many projects dream of the environment.Schematic drawingWith it, the interior landscape of the community is also outstanding!The project specially invited the world's top design team Belgolin to create a comfortable and pleasant landscape design for the project.Large arbor planting away from the south window, combined with the lawn to ensure that the bottom housing has 【 Minhang enterprises YunQichun Shen 】 official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) high-end life new options! Good view and light, while protecting the privacy of the owner through the organic combination of terrain design and plants.Internal landscape planning takes into account the needs of daily viewing and healthy life [Minhang Chinese enterprises Yunqichun Shen] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! The central green landscape belt is used as an outdoor meeting room, which is connected by two axes and matched with the four-entry landscape ritual to create a quality life scene integrating art, interest and ecology.Effect drawingIn order to cater to the aesthetic of contemporary young people, the facade adopts a modern simple architectural style, decorated with golden frames, which is minimalist and elegant but does not miss the style.Effect drawingBuilding surface about 96-127㎡ smart new workThe beauty of custom living in a variety of SpacesIn terms of products, the project is divided into blank and hardcover two kinds of products, it is reported that in order to match the scarcity of Xinzhuang business district residential, hardcover unit is worthy of attention, some of the labels have been released: 【 Minhang Yunqichun 】 Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) high-end life new choice!Smart door lock: Yale or equivalent brand;Basin/sanitary ware: Duravit or equivalent brand;Leader: GroHE or equivalent brand;Cabinet brand: Vinada or equivalent brand.According to netizens, the price of the project blank products may be very surprising, a low total price to stay in Xinzhuang high-quality new homes, may be coming.In terms of housing type, the project will launch the construction surface of about 96-127㎡ housing:The duration is 01:33The building surface is about 96 square meters, 3 rooms and 2 bathrooms, three rooms facing south, all bedrooms with bay Windows. The lighting and view of the whole unit are very outstanding.The master suite is designed to ensure the privacy of the owner.In addition, the project fully considers the life line, comfort and sense of life from the perspective of residents.S-shaped partition wall, faded to stay【闵行中企云启春申】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!春申或许会是您错过不再的机会,千万抓紧。


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