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发布日期:2025-01-03 18:49    点击次数:108

2) 虽不曾会面,然一个在潇湘馆临风洒泪,一个在怡红院对月长吁,却不是人居两地,情发一心!(第二十九回)杨译:True, they were still apart: one weeping to the breeze in Bamboo Lodge, the other sighing to the moon in Happy Red Court. But although apart, at heart they were as one.霍译:Though they had still not made it up since their quarrel, the difference between them had now vanished completely :In Naiad's House one to the wind made moan,In Green Delights one to the moon complained,to parody the well-known lines. Or, in homelier verses:Though each was in a different place,Their hearts in friendship beat as one.宝黛二人因“金”、“玉”之事大吵一场,听到贾母“不是冤家不聚头”这句话,“好似参禅的一般,都低头细嚼此话的滋味,都不觉潸然泣下”。曹雪芹连续使用对偶,“一个在潇湘馆临风洒泪,一个在怡红院对月长吁”写出了宝黛的动态,“人居两地,情发一心”抒发了宝黛的心情。这两组对偶句,双管齐下,互为映衬,句式匀称且富有变化,声律 和谐充满音乐美,其效果自不是寻常写法可以同日而语。杨霍二译句式工整,发挥了拼音文字句法结构的相对随意性,霍译将对偶句单行列出,更突出了形式美感。这一点是霍译本对齐整句式(包括短语等)的独特处理样式,体现了该译本的一大特色,给读者提供了发现美、欣赏美的空间,使语言的表达更加清晰、自然,句式结构更加引人注目。前文已经提到,对偶是汉语特有的修辞手段,尽管英语中也有类似的表达方式,但是,由于汉英语言各成一体,对偶结构上的均衡美无法在译文中得到全面体现,霍译的这种独特的布局方式,无疑在一定程度上弥补了不少缺憾,是对原文整齐对称的结构形式的消化吸收和再度创作。又如:3) 园内各处,帐舞蟠龙,帘飞彩凤,金银焕彩,珠宝争辉,鼎焚百合之香,瓶插长春之蕊,静悄无人咳嗽。(第十八回)杨译:Everywhere in the Garden were hangings and screens brilliantly embroidered with dancing dragons and flying phoenixes; gold and silver glittered, pearls and precious stones shimmered; richly blended incense burnt in the bronze tripods, and fresh flowers filled the vases. Not a cough broke the solemn silence.霍译:In the Separate Residence painted phoenix and coiling dragon flapped and fluttered on drapes and curtains,gold and silver-work gleamed and glinted,jewels and gems made a fiery sparkle,subtle incenses smouldered in brazen censers,'everlastings' blossomed in china vases;—and all was so silent,that throughout the whole of that great garden not the sound of a cough was to be heard.这里连用三组对偶,“帐舞蟠龙”对“帘飞彩风”,“金银焕彩”对“珠宝争辉”,“鼎焚百合之香”对“瓶插长春之蕊”,短短不足三十字,便将省亲别墅大观园的景致气氛渲染得栩栩如生,历历如在眼前。经过对 比分析,两段译文对句中的三组对偶的表达基本相同,但霍译再次以其独特的结构布局而羸得了读者的青睐。由此可见,对偶作为以形式取胜的辞格,其译文也应从形式上与原文取得一致,才能更接近读者的审美情趣,使译文读者能与原文读者那样,得到修辞效果上的共鸣。 像例3这样的片语传神之处,《红楼梦》中多有出现。这种利用对偶句式的简洁凝练来叙事、状景、抒情,可抵大段描写刻画。责任编辑:admin


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